Bridal beauty, from head to toe.

Wedding season is upon us and many brides-to-be will be refreshing their beauty routines for their special day. It’s not just the bride who’ll be taking extra care, but of course, the whole bridal party and even the wedding guests will be getting ready for the big day.

There are many factors that come into play in preparation for a wedding – particularly if it’s yours. As well as the event – the date, the venue, the guests, the food, the drink, the flowers – there’s a lot of preparation in terms of yourself too. You want to have glowing, smooth skin, to have your make-up just right, the nails, the hair, the dress (dear lord, the dress) and to look and feel the best you can.

All of that takes time, energy and organisation and you want to get started as early as possible to ensure you’re ready.

A good place to start is with your skin. Healthy, glowing skin requires regular maintenance and monitoring to be on top form. If you want to improve its appearance you want to start early, putting in place long-term plans to achieve that all-around radiant look.

Great looking skin starts from within.

There are loads of simple lifestyle changes you can make that can really improve your skin’s appearance. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated. Herbal teas like green tea and peppermint tea are also great for improving your skin, as well as keeping you feel more relaxed and can even aid weight loss. Of course, a healthy diet always helps the condition of your skin, but we all love and deserve a treat every now and then.

Take a look at your skincare routine.

Finding the right skincare routine for you can be a chore as everyone’s routines will differ. For those with spot-prone skin, you may take more time to exfoliate and opt for oil-free products. There’s also great devices, like our Clear Skin Compact and Pen that with just a few minutes of use a day, can improve the appearance of your skin and are great to use on any unexpected breakouts!

If your skin is on the dryer side, keep it as hydrated as possible and treat it with mud masks on a weekly basis.

One of the most important things you should always make sure you do is remove makeup properly at the end of the day. Our Facial Cleansing System is a great product to use to not only help exfoliate and remove your make-up thoroughly, but it also improves blood circulation to the skin’s surface which helps create more radiant and youthful looking skin.

By sticking to a plan over a longer period of time you’re more likely to see effective results.

Don’t panic about unwanted hair.

You don’t want to be panicking about unwanted hair the night before the big day and end up catching your skin with a razor when shaving.

There are other methods of hair removal that you can work on early and worry about less later.

Laser hair removal is one of the best options – a 6-month treatment with our At-Home Laser Hair Remover leaves you hair-free for the wedding, the honeymoon and beyond! Salon options may be pricey but the results are worth it and with your own device you can achieve those results in the comfort of your own home and in your own time. Just under £300 and you’ve got unlimited use, on your terms, forever. Spend less in the salon and more on the dress!

To any of our lovely customers who are brides-to-be, we wish you all the best of luck in the preparation of your big day and we hope you have the most wonderful day.

Want to see more wedding inspiration? Check out our ‘The Beauty of the Bride’ board on Pinterest.